Educational Sessions

Boiler 2024 features insightful educational content, and unique opportunities to learn about today’s solutions to address boiler room needs and challenges.

WARE Pre-Conference Workshop

Boiler Types & Applications

On Wednesday, May 1st from 1 PM - 5 PM, WARE brings their expertise from Boiler University to BOILER 2024 for this four-hour pre-conference workshop on boiler types and applications. 

This workshop offers an overview of boiler and burner types for a variety of applications along with insights on vessel selection, feedwater requirements, emissions and controls.

Attending this workshop will prepare you for your next boiler purchase or retrofit project.



This workshop is available to all non-member attendees who purchase the all-access pass and is not available to expo-only attendees.

Speakers & Topics

Jim Kolbus


Topic: Drum Level Instrumentation with ASME Code Requirements and Preventing Violations

Steve Taylor


Topic: Rental Boiler Contingency Plans

Xavier D’Hubert

XDH Energy Consultants

Topic: The role of steam plants in the decarbonization of the energy intensive industries.

Focusing on:

  1. Waste heat recovery systems

  2. Sorbent regeneration in CO2 capture systems

  3. Alternative fuels from solid RDF and biomass to biogas and syngas

  4. The potential role of decarbonated hydrogen as a fuel

  5. Thermal batteries for energy storage

  6. Oxygen enrichment and oxy-combustion

  7. Waste heat conversion to process steam

Sean McMenamin &
Jack Valentine

Nationwide Boiler

Topic: The SCR approach for Ultra Low NOx Emissions Compliance

Focusing on:

  1. General overview of SCR technology

  2. SCR for temporary & permanent boiler installations

  3. How control systems operate

Paul Ingham &
Joe McMullen



Topic: The Modern Technician: a dynamic panel session on how the role of a boiler technician has evolved and grown over the past twenty years.

Bob Langstine


Topic: CO Bypassing - The impact on emissions and operations and corrective measures.

Focusing on:

  1. Define the cause and effect of CO bypassing

  2. Outline corrective measures to address CO bypassing

Ted Duffy

Laars Heating

Topic: The Hidden Truth About Condensing Boiler Plant Efficiencies

Focusing on:

  1. Uncovering the hidden truth about High Turndown Boiler and Water Heater Efficiency

Lee Duncan

Power Flame

Topic: Benefits of Integrated Controls

Focusing on:

  1. Discuss the benefits of integrated controls.

  2. Educate audience on efficiency gains.

Kyle Stell

Gulf Coast Boiler

Topic: Revolutionizing Inspection & Cleaning with Robotics

Focusing on:

  1. Sharing how new technology and robotics are changing boiler inspections and cleaning.

  2. Ability to collect reliable data while creating a safer work environment.

Rob Troutt, Chief Boiler Inspector of Texas


Topic: Optimizing Boiler Room Safety

Focusing on:

  1. Overview of the Dangers in the Boiler Room

  2. Properly Monitoring and Addressing Carbon Monoxide

Josh Ince

Dubois Chemical


Jeremy Zellmer

Industrial Steam


Topic: The Ins and Outs of Water Treatment

Focusing on:

  1. Importance of effective water treatment

  2. Mechanical vs chemical water treatment

  3. Mistakes made with water treatmenting


Thursday May 2nd 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM:

  • Practical Applications for Hydrogen Firing in Industrial & Utility Size Boilers: Bill Gurski – Director of Sales & Bob Langstine – Regional Manager for Power Sales, Zeeco Inc.

  • Premature Failures in High Energy Piping Systems – Jay Vattapilly, VP Codes & Standards - HSB & Jeff Henry, President – ATC, Inc.

  • Firetube vs. Watertube – The Right Boiler Type for Your Application: Don Whitman, GM & VP Watertube Division & Mohktar Mattalah, VP Engineering – Firetube Division, Superior Boiler

  • Fuel Air Coupling Burner Technology & Gas Pipe Sizing for Condensing and Non-Condensing Boilers: John Wrobel, Director of Training & Development – Mestek, Inc.

Thursday May 2nd 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM:

  • A Day in the Life of A Boiler Technician, An Immersive Roleplay: Presented by Thermogenics, Inc.

  • Top 5 Issues with Your Plant’s SCR System: Vaughn Watson, Director of Sales & Marketing - Vector Systems & Daniel Ott, President - Environex, Inc.

  • Installing & Maximizing Ultra Low NOx Boiler Burners – A Case Study: Steve Sock, President – ClearSign Technologies & Dustin Garrett, VP Sales & Marketing – Rogue Combustion

  • Biodiesel – The Movement towards Renewable Combustible Fuels and the Challenges Faced in a Changing Industry – Robert Reid, Technical Training Manager – Weishaupt Corporation

Friday May 3rd 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM:

  • Surface Combustion & Low NOx Technology:  Installation, Startup, and Maintenance: Tom Garrett, Senior Account Manager North America & Steve Huggett, Technical Training Director - Autoflame

  • Rental Boilers - The Need, The Process & The Equipment: Michael Pfeiler, President – Wabash Power Equipment

  • Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems: Utilization and Optimization – Anthony Feliz, VP of Engineering – R.F. MacDonald Co.

  • Increasing Fan Efficiency & Ensuring Regulatory Compliance– Doug Yamashita, VP OEM Sales – New York Blower Company

Friday May 3rd 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM:

  • Revolutionizing Boiler Efficiency: Innovations in High-Temperature Sealing: Liam Verheul – ICL Gaskets & Insulation

  • Secondary Heat Recovery – Increasing Efficiency & Reducing Emissions: Jamie Tighe, Chief Engineer & General Manager, E-Tech

  • Total Cost of Ownership:  From Capital Purchase to Annual Operation: Kees De Greef, Senior Steam Consultant – Vitotherm