ABMA BOILER Expo Advisory Committee

The ABMA BOILER Expo Advisory Committee is made up of a diverse group of members and supply chain partners, guiding the planning and implementation of the event. Chaired by Dustin Divinia from Vector Systems, the committee is focused on the following areas:

  • Creating an Impactful Exhibitor Experience

  • Successful Outreach & Engagement of Boiler End-Users

  • Building Programming to Educate Boiler Supply Chain

  • Engaging Local Educational Institutions

  • Securing Tours of Manufacturing & End-Users

·       Joel Amato, The National Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors (NBBI)

·       Rocky Bahramzad, Cleaver-Brooks

·       Michael Brecker, Frederick Cowan Products by ICI

·       Jesse Coffee, Oilon US

·       Gabriel Dauphin, C.I.B. Unigas

·       Jon DeWald, HELIXintel

·       Dustin Divinia, Vector Systems

·       Steve Graves, Cambell-Sevey

·       Jennifer Guerrero, Karl Dungs, Inc.

·       Ashka Huff, Power Flame Incorporated

·       Steve Kemp, Autoflame Engineering

·       Bob Langstine, Zeeco, Inc.

·       Jim McDonough, Delval Equipment

·       Justin Miller, State of Tennessee Assistant Chief Boiler Inspector

·       Sam Moskosky, Cleaver-Brooks Sales & Service

·       Ruth O’Donnell , Preferred Utilities

·       Renee Palmer, Hartford Steam Boiler

·       Ryan Poznanczyk, Applied Heat Recovery

·       Jorge Seaman, Northern Blower

·       Tim Shippy, CECO Peerless

·       Steve Sock, ClearSign Technologies

·       Alex Taylor, WARE

·       Ed Verderose, Miura America Company